sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013

Kesha assumes she is bisexual

In an interview with Seventeen magazine, Kesha said that the controversy is bisexual. She explained her choice: "I love not only men. I love people. It has to do with sexual gender has to do with the spirit that emanates from the person you are. "In relation to bullying theme, on which was questioned, Kesha said:" I am completely anti-bullying against gays and lesbians, but also has to do with my brother. He is 13 years old and enjoy with it because it's a little stutter. I have zero tolerance for people who enjoy with others. "
The singer also told a little about his youth: "I have a list. People from my past that I had no soul and thought. Even after passing that stage of adolescence more difficult, after taking the device and find out how they were getting dressed, people in the music industry told me they would never achieve success. Today I look at these people and think, 'Ha!' Was one of the reasons why I gave the title "Warrior" to my album. You can be a victim and let you swallow your soul, or you can say "You're on my list and I will prove to you that you're wrong."
Written by:Lollipop

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