quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Justin admits end of the relationship with Selena confesses and not happy

In a magazine interview Billoboard, Justin Bieber has spoken for the first time about the breakup with Selena Gomez. The singer admitted that he is "going through the happiest moment" and the song "Nothing Like Us" is devoted to ex-girlfriend. "Ultimately, there is nothing like us, you know? That's it. It is what it is. People will identify with it, "he said, regarding this issue.

As for all the rumors that have triggered the breakup, he stressed: "I'm not going to blogs or anything like that. I hear things. People tell me if something happens on the Internet. Definitely gets to me. But I do not have any regrets. I live and learn. My mother says, 'you have to learn the hard way, do not you?'. Me. I learn the hard way. What matters is how I get up and I become better and stronger. "

Regarding the new album and it contains strong themes: "I'm 18. I have a great team around me. I have great friends. We had a very. They keep me busy and take me thinking of negative things, "said the singer.

Do you like the song "Nothing Like Us"? Creepy, huh?
Written by: Lollipop

 Justin admite fim da relação com a Selena e confessa não estar feliz

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