quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

Katy Perry in a campaign of Ghd

Hello sweeties
Guess which was the star that was chosen for the brand campaign for British hair Ghd ... was chosen because it is a fabulous singer Katy Perry, who was named Woman of the Year by Billboard, left his usual characterization ultracolorida, and dresses full of elegance and glamor photo shoot in black and white.
The star of "Part of Me" is the muse Ghd since 2011. In this campaign, the scenery along with the production of the singer aims to change the image of the brand, which in the last campaign, Katy brought as a mermaid in an environment of diverse elements in the midst of swirling shades.
The British label is an icon of quality in the industry in which it operates, with products ranging from boards to spray dryers and fasteners. So no more accurate than betting on hollywood glamor to their brand. The singer, who just turned 28, is simply stunning with typical products from the Golden Age of cinema.
Under the focus of fashion photographer Ellen Von Unverth, Katy displays with curly hair style retro dress combined with lush deep neckline and delicate ornaments back. In another photo, she appears with a fringe of perfect cut and highlighted look good, and still embodies a film director sensual. Katy's hair have perfect hair style under the responsibility of the famous hairdresser to the stars Danilo using Ghd products.
The new image of the label matches the meaning of the name Ghd with the signature: "Ghd, goodhair day, everyday." With this, the trust is a brand we can believe in saying goodbye to the days of unruly hair and indomitable. For any woman with hair style to be pretty well is the first step to having a good mood and security.

Written by:Lollipop

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