quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013

Justin Bieber explains delay in concert in London

The Justin Bieber was delayed two hours at the concert he gave yesterday at the O2 Arena in London, which caused much controversy and divided many fans. Some could not wait to see her idol, because it was a weekday, and having to go as expected, to catch transport back home. Parents who accompanied their children and themselves, were sad and angry. When he finally took the stage, the singer was greeted with whistles.

On Twitter, Justin decided to give an explanation, claiming that there were 40 minutes late, not two hours as is being said everywhere. Since I started that things have not been easy with the press (...) Last night I was supposed to act after 3 guest artists, and not at 21h35 to 20h30. But due to technical problems only managed to get on stage at 22.10 ... so I was late 40 minutes. There is no justification for this and I apologize if bored people. However a concert was amazing and I'm proud. Tonight we will act to set times and am eager to give a good show. My relationship with the media is not always easy but I'm trying. For me it's all about the music, the acting and respect for my fans. Ever wanted to annoy or disappoint anyone. But not like things to be exaggerated. Again I apologize. "

Joanne Dorken from MTV News, wrote: "There are literally kids in tears on the subway after their parents force them to leave early to catch the last transport. It's heartbreaking. "What do you think of this controversy?

We expect to concerts in Portugal, 11th and 12th of March, everything runs smoothly!
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justin bieber Justin Bieber explica atraso em concerto em Londres

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